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Between the past and the future, but not technically in the present, photography is a way for me to express those little moments that words can't. Capturing emotion, vibrance and beauty with every shot whilst living life one second at a time.



Growing up as a child, I always wanted to be able to use my eyes for more than just seeing. I had a little quirk where I would blink twice strongly, believing that if I did, what I saw would be permanently etched into my mind. As I grew older, I still had that faint belief and when I found and started photography, it gave my inner child a chance to do so. Photography captures emotions, moments, amazing creations, and so much more. It gives an endless amount of imagination. From heavily wonders to hell-ish sanctuaries, photography has endless possibilities.

So let's imagine together & see what dreams (or nightmares) we can create.



© LaurellynneBleu Photography

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